Introducing the teams: mens’ 1st team

Last, but not least, the Wunze Lions men team.
We are the first mens team of the Lions or the so-called wunze, the wunze and only team of male lacrosse players in Amsterdam at the moment.
We are a team of all ages and skill levels, which creates the ideal environment to get better at the sport and learn valuable life lessons (although those lessons might be of the same quality as some online courses…).
The Lions mens team are the reigning champions of the First Division of the NLB competition. Our goal as a team is to reach the playoffs this year and hopefully defend the title. In our league one team hosts a game day, and all the teams travel to that club to play and watch the games; during the ‘watching’ we show what it means to dominate the fifth quarter.
Besides lacrosse there are other fun things that we do as a team. For example international lacrosse tournaments like Berlin, Prague, and Belgium, and the ever-popular beach lax. There are also activities without the smell of lacrosse gear like Boat & BBQ events, concerts, laxmibo’s.
Does this sound like something that would interest you? Then don’t hesitate to get in touch! And remember: there is no I in LONS!